Taxis in Seville

Taxis in Seville

The price of taxis is Seville is similar to other Spanish cities such as Madrid, Barcelona and Cordoba. As most of the places of interest are in the city centre, if you take a taxi it will most likely be for a short journey.

Taxis in Seville are white, they have a sign on the roof and their license number is written on the doors.

Just like in many other cities, you can get a taxi from a taxi rank, or you can hail one down while it's driving around the city.


  • Initial charge: 1.50 (US$ 1.64)
  • Price per kilometre: 1.03 (US$ 1.12)
  • Transfer from the airport to a hotel in the city center: 24.98 (US$ 27.32)
  • One hour waiting time: 22.67 (US$ 24.79)
  • Minimum fare: 4.09 (US$ 4.47)

Additional Charges

  • Large suitcase: 0.53 (US$ 0.57)
  • Leaving from the Santa Justa train station: 1.59 (US$ 1.73)
  • Please note that fares increase on Sundays, public holidays, and at night.

Phone Numbers

The main taxi company in Seville is Radio Taxi. You can order a taxi by phoning + 34 954 50 00 00 or you can download the Pide Taxi app.

You can also try +34 954 62 22 22 - the number of Teletaxi Sevilla, another big taxi company in the city.